1 in 4 people will have a stroke at some point in their lifetime. Leaving hospital, individuals and families often feel very vulnerable and the transition home, and returning to 'life' can often feel like the biggest challenge.
Recovery following stroke and other forms of acquired brain injury is often affected by low mood, anxiety, communication difficulties and fatigue. Due to the significant demand on public services, it can be difficult to access community rehab early on and this can leave individuals feeling alone and isolated.
... from stroke and other forms of acquired brain injury
Whilst this may be an overwhelming number to make sense of, imagine a massive network of connecting roads – all transmitting and receiving information, enabling different parts of our brain to communicate with each other.
Injury disrupts some of these networks and dependent on the severity of the injury, small to large areas of the brain can be affected.
We know however, that with challenges and new activities, the brain can rewire and grow new connections and that is the basis of neuro rehab.
If you would like to find out more please contact us by email info@brainrecoveryzone.com
VR can be of real benefit to neuro rehabilitation due to it’s immersive and engaging environment. Due to it’s ability to lend itself to real life environments, it can mirror evidence based treatments.
What we see in rehab is, if people try things and succeed, they are more motivated to try them again and this can often lead to an increase in confidence and a growth in someone’s comfort zone – all crucial when learning to adjust to a new way of life.
Immersive & Engaging
Evidence Based Treatments
Real Life Benefit
Confidence & Growth
Kirsty’s Story
"... Since my stroke, I've been using the headset everyday to help my recovery and manage my feelings ..."
Ian’s Story
"... Since using the VR head set, I feel more in control and like myself again ..."